Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hurricane Irene Photos - my neighborhood in Phoenicia, NY

Here are some photos I took today of my neighborhood.  It doesn't look quite the same as it did a few days ago....

backyard and neighbor's car
my pool with mud  
My muddy backyard

My backyard from a few weeks ago (ironically showing Laura, whom we are now staying with since being displaced)


before the mud...

The Esopus around the corner from me - it looks different than it did last week...

.... this is how it looked on November 28, 2010

My next door neighbor's foundation is mostly gone... can see the basement from the backyard.

My other next door neighbor's front yard.

My neighbors across the street got it pretty bad too....
...their pool looks much worse than mine.
 This is gonna take awhile to clean up - thankfully nothing that can't be fixed, but the Catskills have been permanently changed - physically and psychologically.

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